Years ago when an American would meet someone from the UK, or vice versa, both parties would have a chuckle about differences in language, and spelling, and here at For Reading Addicts we have posted many a blog on the English language.
In more recent times, and since the advent of the Internet and global publishing, that quirk has become more of an annoyance and now it’s been decided that the entire English language is to be standardised and simplified.
A board of linguistic experts has been meeting on the subject and brilliant minds such as the Oxford Dictionaries Committee and the Federation of Ordinary Linguists have decided that for simplified publishing everyone will now use the same version English.
Over the course of 2016 dictionaries will be edited, and the Us removed from British English as the language is simplified and made standard with US English. It’ll be the biggest instant change the language has ever seen, and will no doubt be met with many objections.
Publishing houses are however celebrating, as there will no longer be any need to publish UK and US versions of many books. All future reprints of Harry Potter will be named Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, a move we’ll see echoed right across the literary world.
It’s a shocking piece of news, and it’s easy to see why the discussions have happened in secret during the first half of the year. While we can see the reasoning behind a simplified language, we’re not sure the linguists and language lovers will agree.

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