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Fear: Trump in the White House Smashes Sales Expectations

By September 15, 2018New Releases, Political

Veteran Washington reporter Bob Woodward wrote Fear: Trump in the White House, a scathing attack on President Trump’s administration. Trump dismissed the book as ‘a joke’ but after less than a week of sales it seems it’s a joke that many people are keen to share as it’s reported that the book has sold three quarters of a million copies in the first day and is already going to its ninth reprint.

Guaranteed to be the bestselling nonfiction book of September, the expose is said to “depict a White House awash in dysfunction, where the Lord of the Flies is the closest thing to an owner’s manual”, according to a review posted in the Guardian recently.

The new book on the President was published on 11th September by Simon & Shuster, who yesterday confirmed that sales total for the first few days and it seems that they cannot reprint fast enough. It’s already in its ninth printing, bringing the total number of hardback copies of the book to 1.15m.

“Bob Woodward’s Fear is selling with the force of a cultural phenomenon, in extraordinary numbers across the board, in hardcover, ebook, and audio editions,” said S&S president Jonathan Karp. “Based on immense pre-publication and ongoing interest, the reading public clearly has an enormous appetite for what we believe, as Woodward says, is ‘a pivot point in history’.”

The book is said to be based on hundreds of hours of interviews and details a White House in chaos. On Monday, President Trump took to Twitter to rail against the book calling it “Just another assault against me, in a barrage of assaults, using now disproven unnamed and anonymous sources. Many have already come forward to say the quotes by them, like the book, are fiction. Dem[ocrat]s can’t stand losing. I’ll write the real book!”

Barnes and Noble stated that the investigation by veteran reporter Bob Woodward, who broke the story of the Watergate scandal along with his Washington Post colleague Carl Bernstein, was its fastest-growing adult title since Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman was published in July 2014. They stated that it’s the bestselling adult title in over three years and are working closely with S&S to keep the shelves stocked to meet demand.

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