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Hollywood Set To Remake Harry Potter!

J.K. Rowling has sold the rights to her magical book series Harry Potter to Hollywood execs for a new set of movies!

The last lot of Potter films were criticised for not having diverse enough characters so an LA production company is ensuring this latest edition covers all bases: Harry and Draco will be romantically involved, Hermione will be a Muslim muggle and will wear a headscarf covering her trademark frizzy hair, and Dumbledore and Snape will be recast as women. Even Hagrid will have a makeover, by making him a transgender giantess who faces discrimination from the Giant Community.

We have explored what the new movies will look like, and are very excited to see the new take on our favourite stories. Take a look below for some ideas of what we have to look forward to.

New and improved Hagrid!

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy become a couple!

Snape is now a woman!

Could Dumbledore be played by Jessica Lange?

Hermione’s headscarf would look amazing!

With people becoming more aware of the need for diversity, and the importance of representation of all humans in mainstream movies, this will be welcomed by many.

Tell us what you think of the new changes, Reading Addicts!


  • I took my grandchildren to every Harry Potter movie and read every book. With them, I loved each one. Remaking and changing characters, especially the ones proposed, is absolute rubbish. Whoever came up with these ideas hasn’t a clue. Who are they trying to keep happy, women, gays, moslems? They forget, these are stories for children mainly and to desecrate them would be unforgivable.

  • Gail Gilchrist says:

    I suspect this is an April Fool’s trick.

    • Mia says:

      This better be. I mean seriously are they fangirls or something. Harry and Draco? Muslim Hermione? Harry Potter isn’t about diversity! It’s about fantasy and conquering darkness. Leave diversity to fanfiction and books centered around it.

      • Mia says:

        Why do they care if Harry Potter doesn’t have diversity? Why don’t they go over to Percy Jackson and have the Chiron and Grover be gay for each other and have Thalia be transgender. While they’re at it why don’t they just have Voldemort be female and have a Dumbledore and Voldemort pairing!

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