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Hugs & Kisses from Aachen: A Poetry Submission

By March 31, 2020Guest Blogs, Poetry

In a few weeks the world has turned on its head. We’ve changed pace a little on For Reading Addicts and we’re currently taking poetry submissions, video readings, guest blogs, and reviews.

Today we share a poem by one of our fans, Brittney Walker-Zaleski. A poignant look at a problem the world faces together, one we still do not know how we will solve.

Hugs & Kisses from Aachen

That’s what the front of the postcard will say

with bright red letters

maybe with a heart or a lipstick print.

Right now

paper is more practical than physical touch

because there’s an ocean between us

and my real hugs and kisses could kill you

and I wouldn’t want that.

The picture on the front would be

of the Cathedral.

I just snapped it last week.

The sky was blue.

The magnolia trees were blooming


quite early I was told.

Almost as if they knew already.

And they took pity on us.

I snapped the photo

and then drank hot tea

at my usual cafe

thinking this would probably

be the last time for a while.

I’ll record this in detail
on the back of the card.

I’ll also tell you this.

Last night I read that St. Corona’s

relics are kept in the Cathedral.

Ironic right?

I can’t light a candle

or go inside.

But she is here.

Maybe we’ll be safe, I thought.

I went out today.

Just to the store and back.

The sky was blue again.

I was almost home and saw

a truck outside my building.

Hmmm…Looks like furniture.

Maybe someone is moving in?

A man came out.

Wooden furniture in his arms.



Coffins without their lids.

Maybe 3 or 4. Neatly stacked.

They must be for the funeral parlor next door.

I didn’t snap a picture of that.

I apologize

there’s not much to write home about

just hope and death

This card is addressed to you;

to whomever wants to read it.

I wish you well.

Sending you all my love.

Hugs & Kisses from Aachen


By Brittney Walker-Zaleski

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