Author Offers Stay in Cottage as Writer’s Retreat
Experienced authors know the value of solitary time to write, reflect, and get things just right, and Jojo Moyes certainly fits the bill of experience, penning a series of novels including Me Before You, the bestselling book and movie of the year. Now she’s made an offer on social media to give up her cottage for a week as a writer’s retreat, and you can apply!
The author posted a message on her Facebook, which she then shared on Twitter. The message starts with “Are you a writer, and wish you had some peace in which to write? I know what it meant to me when I was trying to get published. To this end, we are offering our cottage, free of charge, for up to a week to a writer – published or unpublished – to kick-start, or even finish their work.”
Here it is in full:
Jojo Moyes has even offered to help with travel and food for those on a limited income. It’s a fantastic opportunity for one writer, and to apply you just need to put into words (no more than 500) why this opportunity would make a difference to you, and send it to [email protected].
The deadline to apply is 30th September, so you have a few days to get together your reasons, after which you could be enjoying a week long writer’s retreat at Jojo Moyes actual cottage! The cottage seems to be part of the recipe for success for Moyes, and it could help you too!

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