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Kingsley Amis Quotes to Keep you from Going Astray

By April 16, 2016October 21st, 2017Authors

Sir Kingsley Amis was an English Novelist, poet and critic who is probably best known for his Novel Lucky Jim and his son Martin Amis. Although he is often referred to as a comedic novelist he wrote poetry, essays and criticism, short stories, food and drink writing, anthologies, and a number of novels in genres such as science fiction and mystery. Born on April 16th 1922 we have gathered together some of our favourite quotes from this multi talented man.

“If you can’t annoy somebody, there is little point in writing.”

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“The rewards for being sane may not be very many, but knowing what’s funny is one of them.”

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“It is natural and harmless in English to use a preposition to end a sentence with.”

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“The real trouble with liars … was that there could never be any guarantee against their occasionally telling the truth.”

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“Unquestioning devotion to authenticity is, in any department of life, a mark of the naive-or worse.”

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“I’ll pour you the first one and after that, if you don’t have one, it’s your own f****** fault. You know where it is.”

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“Death has this much to be said for it:
You don’t have to get out of bed for it.
Wherever you happen to be
They bring it to you—free.”

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“Only a world without love strikes me as instantly and decisively more terrible than one without music.”

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I think we can all agree that there is nothing amiss with Sir Kingsley’s writing.

(Sorry couldn’t resist)

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