Welcome to LiarTown USA, population: everyone on the internet.
LiarTown started out in 2013, and was created by graphic designer and funny guy Sean Tejaratchi. Through creating LiarTown USA on Tumblr, the author brought us a glimpse into his weird and wonderful interpretation of popular culture. Nothing is safe- books, TV, movies, and memes are fair game in his quest to weird you out and make you laugh.
Tejaratchi himself describes LiarTown USA as a “duplicate world maintained by a moderately benevolent but not necessarily detail-oriented God.” He creates the funniest and most absurd book covers that look just like real books- but thankfully they are not… If they were they’d not be suitable to read on the train commute home, that’s for sure.
LiarTown USA: The Commercial
Some of his work is not entirely suitable for work/children/sensitive adults- you have been warned! You may have seen some of his work while travelling about on the Information Superhighway, and now you know who the brainchild behind it was. LiarTown USA started out as a Tumblr page and is now compiled into our favourite form- a book. Put it on your wishlist, or just treat yourself or a friend today.
Here are twelve of our favourite hilarious book covers designed and created by Tejaratchi for your amusement. Check out his Tumblr for many, many more, and follow links below to purchase his new book released in November 2017.