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On this Day in Literature: 50 Years of April

By March 31, 2016Literature, New Releases

We started a new feature last month with our 50 years of literature spot, bringing you the books that were hot releases on this date through the decades. Well now spring is finally upon us and we’re into April, and so looking back through the decades from April 2016 we have 50 years of new releases on this day in literature.

These release dates really do show how fast time is passing. Do you remember what you were doing when some of these were released?

April 2006

Black Swan Green – David Mitchell

In April 2006, the hotly anticipated YA novel, Black Swan Green was released. The story follows the magic of being a 13-year old boy exploring the world, but learning about the trials of real life too!

Black Swan Green (US)
Black Swan Green (UK)

April 1996

Royal Assassin – Robin Hobb

The second book in the Farseer Trilogy was released 20 years ago this month. Royal Assassin follows the life of a trained assassin in a fantasy land and is a popular trilogy even today.

The Farseer Trilogy (US)
The Farseer Trilogy (UK)

April 1986

The Light Fantastic – Terry Pratchett

Many readers have had a lifetime of Pratchett and Discworld, but back in 1986 it was all just beginning and Discworld #2, or The Light Fantastic was released in April 1986!

The Light Fantastic (US)
The Light Fantastic (UK)

April 1976

Interview with a Vampire – Anne Rice

Anne Rice has seen years of literary success, but maybe her most successful novel is the iconic, Interview with a Vampire, released in April 1976.

Interview with a Vampire (US)
Interview with a Vampire (UK)

April 1966

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress – Robert Heinlein

Although now available in novel format, The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress was originally serialised over four months with the last issue appearing in Worlds of If in April 1966.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (US)
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (UK)

We hope that list has brought back some happy memories, or even given you a bit of inspiration for your TBR.

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