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Man Tweets Harry Potter to Piers Morgan

Big Green Book Shop Owner Simon Key Tweets Harry Potter to Piers Morgan Line by Line After Morgan Claims to Have Never Read Anything by JK Rowling.

What do you do when a celebrity decides to be rude to your favourite author, dismissing their world famous, record breaking novels and claiming to  have never red a single line from any of them? Why you put things right of course, by Tweeting the novel in question to the ignoramus and thereby educating them in the ways of the wizarding world.

The trigger for Twitter user Simon Key’s messages came earlier this week after JK Rowling expressed delight at Morgan being told to ‘fuck off’ live on Television; of course Morgan responded in his usual ‘gentlemanly manner’ forgetting in the course  of his self righteous ranting that starting a war of words with a person who has earned billions from their ability with them is probably not the cleverest thing to do.

Oh dear Piers, you may just have bitten off a bigger bite than even your legendary maw can manage. Several Twitter users promptly pointed out that, considering Morgan claims to have never read anything by JK, he’s certainly not hesitated to use several quotes from the famous series, and if he’s simply a ‘quote whore’ who simply cherry picks his literary quotes to make himself look intelligent then JK had some advice for controversial television personality.

But the best was yet to  come. Twitter user and Bookshop owner Simon Key took it upon himself to educate Morgan on life at Hogwarts by tweeting the first novel to him line by line.

Already 100 Tweets into his virtual story telling Key said he was prompted into sharing Rowling’s book by Morgan saying he would “never” read her book.

Mr Key said: “I’m doing it because Piers clearly spends all day on Twitter staring at his timeline.”

“He clearly needs a bit of a break from all the abuse, so as he mentioned that he hasn’t read any JK Rowling, rather then having to tear himself away from Twitter to read it, I’d tweet him.

“Obviously I’m sending it in bitesize chunks, which hopefully he’ll be able to cope with, rather than giving him the daunting process of reading a whole book.”

Just n case anyone thinks this is simply a computer programme sharing single lines from the novel at random intervals Key clarified his reasons for reading to Morgan.

How long before Morgan has a tantrum and blocks the book shop thereby showing solidarity with his famous book hating PotUS by ignoring the important lessons literature teaches us.

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