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Margaret Atwood Reveals Haunting Cover for The Testaments

By February 3, 2019New Releases

When the news that Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale was getting a sequel dropped before Christmas, fans took a collective gasp! The 1985 novel ends on a bit of a cliff hanger and until the television series we’ve all been wondering what happens next.

The Testaments is set 15 years after Offred’s final scenes and so doesn’t interfere with the television series at all. Back in November when the novel was announced via the author’s Twitter page, there was no cover but now the front cover has been revealed and it’s as haunting as we imagined it would be!

We can’t wait for this and we’re sure fans will feel the same. The novel is now available on pre-order at your local bookshop or on the links below, and it drops on September 10th!

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