Much-loved British author Neil Gaiman first announced his latest project with a mysterious Tweet on 19th November that read, “Tomorrow I’ll be announcing on Twitter a new project that I need your help with writing. Check back here at 9.30am GMT.”
Checking back in the following day as instructed, Gaiman’s Twitter followers learnt that the author’s latest campaign is part of a wider campaign from UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) to raise awareness of the freezing conditions refugee families will have to endure this winter.
UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador, Neil Gaiman often uses his time to raise money and awareness of the refugee crisis. In response to the latest campaign for emergency relief for refugees suffering below zero temperatures, Neil Gaiman stated, “I met Ayman and his family at Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan. They had fled the war in Syria and he told me about his work as a volunteer nurse in the camp. In winter, gale force storms tear through camps and settlements, terrifying the families who shelter from the elements. Even keeping your shoes and socks dry takes an effort that can be a living nightmare. Please donate now to help save lives and give a little warmth to someone who needs it.”
As part of this Below Zero campaign, Neil Gaiman took to Twitter to ask his followers to share “words/thoughts for both inspiration and inclusion in a special Twitter story I’m writing for UNHCR & @TwitterForGood to support Syrian @refugees this winter.” All users need to do is think about what reminds them of warmth and reply to Neil Gaiman’s Tweet using #KnitforRefugees.
What’s warmest in your heart?
Calling on your words/thoughts for both inspiration and inclusion in a special story I’m writing for UNHCR & @TwitterForGood to support Syrian @refugees this winter.
Reply to this tweet with #KnitForRefugees.
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) November 20, 2019
The final story that comes from these warming contributions with then be knitted into a unique scarf that will be knitted by @Kniterate and designed by the UN Refugee Agency. Neil Gaiman explained that this scarf of words will “stand as a symbol of our solidarity.” He also added that, “I believe the power of your tweets can help those who need it most.”
Many Twitter users have already replied to Neil Gaiman’s Tweet with their words and thoughts on warmth and we’re looking forward to seeing the outcome when all these ideas are pulled together into a scarf. Until then, why not take a look at what else you can do to support refugees this winter on the UNHCR website.