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Never Judge a Book by Its Cover? Check out These Monstrosities…

By December 19, 2018Inspired by Literature

They say you should never judge a book by its cover, and that’s certainly a good rule of thumb. However, it may also be true that truly awful cover art serves as a warning to potential readers. Like the colourful poison dart frog, some books have cover art which seem to be designed to make sure readers stay well away.

If you enjoy truly horrible cover art then you’ll want to take a trip over to the subreddit r/TerribleBookCovers, where users submit images of horrifying, funny, and just bizarre covers for books. We’ve compiled a selection of our (least) favourites for you to enjoy.

Those creepy, creepy smiles…

Dragonlords of Werner, Werner and Fulk

After a long day in the office, he’s ready to hunt some dragons!

From the author of Apeshit. We even have a review for this one.

How did this happen, Stephen?

That dog looks like he’s been through it.

Can dragons even get tattooed?

We don’t remember Holden Caulfield being akin to Edward Cullen.

How did they there!?

Looks like Clippy has a dark side.

Don’t dare return your book late!

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