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Penguin Classics Introduces ‘Green Ideas’ environmental collection

By August 31, 2021New Releases, News

Penguin Classics has released a new 20-book collection called Green Ideas.

The collection of environmentally-themed books Penguin says have “changed the way we think and talk about the living Earth” includes authors such as Greta Thunberg, James Lovelock, and Rachel Carson. The books are a range of non-fiction and cli-fi (climate fiction) written by “visionary thinkers around the world [who] have raised their voices to defend the planet”.

The idea of the collection came after the release of Greta Thunberg’s No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference:

“Greta had raised the temperature of the global conversation – suddenly we were talking about a crisis rather than just climate ‘change’ – and there was a clear and growing hunger for more environmental ideas,” said Penguin editor Chloe Currens.

“The 20 books we chose struck us as quite obvious starting points for the series, in terms of their originality and their impact,” said Currens. “But there’s such an abundance of important and stimulating environmental writing that the list couldn’t be exhaustive.”

The collection will no doubt grow in the future as the popularity for cli-fi and environmentally aware literature increases. As people become more globally-minded, and aware of the serious and fast changes happening to the Earth, they need the tools and information to increase their knowledge and understanding. The Penguin Green Ideas short book collection aims to provide that.

“It’s a growing, evolving ecosystem of great ideas,” said Currens. “I hope that the series will be used by readers as a way of engaging with some of the key ideas in modern environmental thought – that it will offer an accessible path through the vibrant, urgent, and perhaps occasionally overwhelming wider world of ecological writing.”

Visit Penguin Online to see the collection

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