Theodor Giesel, better known by his pen name Dr. Seuss, was a much-loved children’s books writer and illustrator renowned for his quirky rhyming verses and vivid artwork. During his lifetime, he published more than 60 books under that pen name. In exciting news for Dr. Seuss fans, another book will soon be added to that list!
In 2015, Harper Collins UK posthumously published a manuscript found in his home, titled What Pet Should I Get? Now, Puffin books have announced in a press release that they have acquired the rights to another manuscript found in his home at the same time.
In Dr. Seuss’s Horse Museum, readers will follow “an affable horse” on a guided tour of an art museum. The book will feature over 30 reproductions of famous artworks including Picasso and Pollock, as well as cameo appearances from some of Seuss’ best-known characters such as The Cat in the Hat and The Grinch.
“This friendly tour guide will show how just one inspiring muse – in this case, a horse – can produce many, many different artistic interpretations. This perfect explanation for the (sometimes puzzling) thing we call ‘ART’ is an inspired and lively canter through art history – ideal for artists, parents and educators of all ages.”
This 80% completed manuscript will be completed by illustrator Andrew Joyner an acclaimed illustrator who has created artwork for numerous books including; Graham Tether’s The Hair Book, Jonathan London’s Duck and Hippo in the Rainstorm, and Ursula Dubosarsk’s the Terrible Plop. He has also authored and illustrated several of his own books including, The Pink Hat, and his books have been published in over 25 countries.
Andrew Joyner will take inspiration from Seuss’ original sketches and complete “the unfinished artwork to accompany Dr. Seuss’s original text and created a look that is both subtly Seussian and wholly his own.”
Francesca Dow, Managing Director of Penguin Random House Children’s, stated: “We’re so pleased to publish this truly imaginative take on art history, from the inimitable Dr. Seuss. With his hallmark humour, this is an inside look into the imagination of Seuss and how he viewed the art that is everywhere in the world. This unique and charming book is a stellar addition to Puffin’s growing illustrated non-fiction list, and we are thrilled to partner with Random House Children’s US for a global publication this September.”
While Susan Brandt, President, Dr. Seuss Enterprises added, “The publication of Dr. Seuss’s Horse Museum marks such a special occasion for us—it is rare that we can share a new book by Dr. Seuss with the world—and we are delighted for it to have a global stage with the September release in both the UK and US.”
UK and Commonwealth rights were acquired by Puffin from Random House US and ICM Partners, together with Dr. Seuss Enterprises to publish in the UK. Dr Seuss’s Horse Museum will be published by Random House Children’s Books in the U.S. on 3rd September and then by Puffin on 5th September 2019.

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