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“Reader I Said Yes” – A Literary Proposal

On Christmas Day, Julia Ember (@Jules_chronicles), author of The Seafarer’s Kiss, posted a heart-warming proposal announcement, writing “Reader I said yes” – a nod to the quote “Reader I married him” from Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. This was not the only thing literary about the proposal though.

Julia’s girlfriend and now fiancé, Sophie, had arranged a very bookish surprise, telling Julia, “I’m getting you a really special book!” and keeping the rest a secret until the big day.

Sophie worked with book binder, Karen Rudd from Spellbinderie, to create a beautiful proposal book to present to Julia on Christmas Day. Inside the stunning cover, was the message ‘Will you marry me” next to the ring set into the pages and held in by a ribbon. Also created inside the book are stunning graphics including memories from their life together so far, a map of all the places they’ve visited together, and a page that states, “Looking forward to our next adventure together.”

Of course, with such an amazing gesture, Julia said yes and their next big adventure together will be their wedding which Julia told twitter followers will likely be in Autumn 2019. She wrote, “We both love autumn/winter weddings, so we are planning for next autumn. When it happens, you guys will see those photos too!” So, congratulations to Sophie and Julia, we are certainly looking forward to seeing what other literary wonders they might thread into their wedding plans.

Sophie is not the first person to propose in this way however, in fact, spellbinderie specialise in proposal books and other book keepsakes such as ring bearer alternatives and brilliantly bound wedding guest books. So, if you’re thinking of popping the question to the book lover in your life maybe a proposal book is the way to do it.

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