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Sort Your Life Out: The Predicted Book Trend of 2019

By February 2, 2019New Releases, News

The trend for 2019 is ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’ thanks, in part, to Marie Kondo’s Netflix series: Tidying Up.

As many of us jump aboard the immaculate Tidying Up bandwagon, it is predicted that we might be keen to continue the trend holistically. Organising our lives as well as our underwear drawers, and self-care alongside sparking joy in the home, are just a couple of trends influencing non-fiction literature in 2019.

The organisational system of the bullet journal, self-help books with self-care tips, or scientists explaining the meaning of happiness; the following list will keep you on trend and ready for 2019!

“Marie Kondo’s method is based on a ‘once-cleaned, never-messy-again’ approach…”

Sounds like magic to me but the neatness craze is sweeping the world thanks to Marie Kondo, and now everyone is asking: “Does it spark joy?”

De-clutter your home, and de-stress your life with Marie Kondo’s philosophy of keeping only what is necessary and makes you happy- a method that can then be applied to other aspects of your life. At first you may scoff at her folding skills or being thankful to inanimate objects but readers should not be surprised if you start decluttering that drawer while reading this book.

Purchase your copy now and tidy your life up:

Life Changing Magic of Tidying

Paul Dolan is the Professor of Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a happiness expert who has written over 100 peer-reviewed papers on the subject along with behaviour, and public policy.

If you need an accessible and absorbing look at how our actions and decisions affect our own happiness then Prof. Dolan can help. The book is not your traditional self-help book but instead the reader is treated to a comprehensible version of Dolan’s lifetime of research. He explains how some of our big ticket goals and daunting pressures on ourselves are holding us back from an attainable happiness.

Purchase your copy now and get happy:

Happiness By Design

The ‘revolutionary organisational system’ designed by Ryder Carroll is meant to help you keep your mind clear by having all plans, wants, and needs recorded and reflected upon.

Carroll’s system combines elements of a wishlist, a to-do list, and a diary, and keeps it simple by needing only a pen and paper to start your own bullet diary. With so many external pressures on people today this system can help to at least calm the stress we put upon ourselves. Bullet journalling can help organise your thoughts and your priorities to guide the reader towards what Ryder calls “intentional living”.

Purchase your copy now and organise your life:

The Bullet Journal Method

Chidera Eggerue, AKA The Slumflower, is an award-winning blogger, author, and all-round feminist bad ass.

Self-care, self-love, and self-acceptance seem to be Eggerue’s main ethos, and What A Time To Be Alone is no different. Described as ‘millennial mastermind’ by Elle, and ‘this generation’s agony aunt’ by Dazed magazine, the powerful young woman wants readers to understand their worth and to help them become happy in their own skin. Written as a big two-finger-salute to a world that seems hell-bent on telling us we aren’t good enough, if you love your female friends you will buy them a copy of Chidera’s vibrant and empowering wisdom.

Purchase your copy now and be happy on your own:

What A Time To Be Alone

Sarah Knight, fresh from her popular Ted Talk, wrote this book with the easily anxious in mind.

When change makes you break out in a sweat, or your body confuses excitement with fear, this book can give you tools to control and change your reactions. Written by someone who knows how it feels to freak out for what seems like no reason, this book is like the sweary best friend you need pouring your wine and giving you the real talk. Knight is a self-confessed recovering perfectionist who would like to share her experiences and stoicism-inspired coping mechanisms.

Purchase your copy now and calm the fuck down:

Calm The Fuck Down

“Just as we are advised on airplanes to take our own oxygen first before helping others, we must first be at peace with ourselves before we can be at peace with the world around us.”

It seems like an alien concept to many of us- help yourself before you help others- but for Haemin Sunim it is imperative in order to lead a happy life. Love For Imperfect Things is a follow up to the Buddhist monk’s bestseller follow-up to his international bestseller The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down. He continues his chilled out outlook with a meditation on how we could all help others more effectively if we took time for self-care too. Sunim shows the reader how important it is to be authentic with yourself before attempting an authentic relationship with others.

Purchase your copy now and find peace:

Love For Imperfect Things

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