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Stanford sexual assault survivor to release memoir

By June 29, 2019New Releases, News

The young woman who was sexually assaulted by ex-Stanford student Brock Turner in 2015 has plans to release her memoir.

Outrage was felt worldwide when Turner was sentenced to only six months in prison despite the judge finding him guilty of sexually assaulting an intoxicated and unconscious woman outside a fraternity house on campus. Many were disgusted by the message this sent about sexual assault and consent.

Emily Doe, a pseudonym she uses for obvious reasons, had outlined her hurt and pain in a letter to Turner, which was read at court. This letter sparked outrage and fierce support for Ms Doe, and gave a voice to other survivors of sexual assault.

Viking Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House, announced on Wednesday that it would release her memoir. The untitled book is scheduled for release on the 17 September 2019.

Stanford students carried signs in solidarity with the Stanford sexual assault (GETTY)

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