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Steve Jobs’ Daughter to Release Memoir

By August 3, 2018New Releases

Lisa Brennan-Jobs, daughter of Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs is to release a memoir “Small Fry” and it’s being billed as a heartbreaking at her troubled relationship with her father.

In an excerpt published in August’ issue of Vanity Fair, Lisa talks of how Jobs denied paternity, refused to pay child support and how she tried to fit in and find a place in his life during their troubled relationship.

The excerpt opens on Jobs’ final days, presided over by a Buddhist monk (Jobs converted to Buddhism at a young age) who instructed Lisa to ‘Touch his feet”, and goes on to explain how Lisa visited her father every weekend, trying to fit in around her stepmother and three half siblings. She says that while she’d given up on the grand reconciliation, she kept coming anyway.

Lisa Brennan-Jobs was born in 1978 and her birth brought about the end of her parents’ relationship as Jobs denied paternity. Eventually paternity was proven and after finalising child support Apple went public, launching Jobs into the super-rich category. Lisa talks of how she believed as a child that he replaced his Porsche every time it got scratched and asking him if she could have his when he got rid of it. Stating that Jobs responded that she was “not getting anything”.

She uses the Apple Lisa, the failed precursor to the Macintosh as a metaphor for her attempts to belong to her father and states that he was not generous with money, food, or words.

Small Fry will be released on September 13th . Read the excerpt from Vanity Fair here.

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