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‘Stranger Things’ Books and Novels Are on Their Way

Stranger Things is the hit sci-fi horror series which made its debut on Netflix in 2016. The show was met with critical acclaim and a second season was released in 2017. A third season is currently in the works, but if you’re in desperate need of a Stranger Things fix, then you’ll be pleased to learn that a number of Stranger Things books are set to be released.

As Bloody Disgusting reports, a novel is set to be released which will serve as a prequel to the show and will follow Eleven’s mother and the MKUltra programme, it will be penned by author Gwenda Bond. More novels aimed at both adults and younger readers are expected to follow suite and they will be published by Penguin Random House, who has teamed up with Netflix.

If waiting until Spring of next year is too much, then you should also check out the Stranger Things companion book that is set to be released this Autumn. The book will give readers a behind-the-scenes look at the series and further explore the mysteries of the Stranger Things universe. It will be titled Stranger Things: World Turned Upside Down: The Official Behind-The-Scenes Companion.

A second book is also set to be released alongside the companion book which will come in the form of a hardcover gift book for young children, it is yet to have its title revealed but will apparently offer “advice, wisdom, and warnings from the Stranger Things world.” Audio versions of the books will also be available, though it is unknown if the cast of Stranger Things will voice their characters in the recordings.

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