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Ten Mistakes Guaranteed to Make a Reader Cringe

By February 10, 2018Language, On Writing

Not every reader is a grammar nerd, or even the best at spelling and punctuation, but we certainly have an advantage over those who do not consume books for pleasure.

We can tell by the comments made on social media by our very own Reading Addicts, that good grammar is very important to them. If a meme or book quote is slightly off-kilter then all Hell can break loose!

We came across these awful mistakes on our weary web travels and knew instantly who would appreciate them (or not!)

See how many of these horrendous mistakes you can get through without scratching your eyes out.

Ready? Set? CRINGE!


Oh lordy…




This is actually painful…

Fire the editor!

Oh! A multi-levelled nightmare!

Wait, what?

So are you, mate…

One Comment

  • Caterina B says:

    Oh yeah, the banana one is my pet peeve. For many years our local grocery store would have signs saying bananas with an apostrophe. Oh wait, maybe not. I do not know why people cannot get the difference between you’re and your. It makes me crazy. I remember when my daughter’s teacher made that mistake a long time ago. SHE WAS A TEACHER, for heaven’s sake. Even now, I still see that lazy mistake in Facebook posts. I have to restrain myself, though, because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by correcting them. However, I did correct a mattress salesman last week when we were shopping for a new bed. He kept say “lay down and try it.” I finally said, “I know you’re a mattress expert and I certainly am not, but the correct word for recline is LIE, not LAY. I also corrected my chiropractor, Naughty me. I think people just don’t care about speaking and writing correctly. Or, they don’t know what they don’t know.

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