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The Super Sleuth Sherlock Holmes Quiz

By December 28, 2015May 22nd, 2018Quizzes

This truly is a quiz for die hard Sherlock Holmes fans and really isn’t for the faint-hearted. Make sure you have five minutes spare, it’s 40 questions and you’ll want to make sure you’re well versed in the most famous sleuth in the world!

It’s multiple choice so that should help a bit. Are you a Super Sleuth of Sherlock standard, or are you more Scooby Doo? Let us know how you did, if you scored under 10 you may want to don a disguise and go undercover.

One Comment

  • Fred Seaborne says:

    You got Question #16 majorly messed up — that was James **Ryder** in the Adventure of the Blue Carbunkle (“Windigate” was one of the names in the hot-headed butcher-shop-owner’s sales-ledger; Mr. Windigate ran the Alpha Club that Mr. Henry Baker — the man who had dropped the Christmas goose that the purloined blue gemstone turned out to have been hidden in — was a member of), and James **Windibank** was the shamelessly-greedy young stepfather in A Case Of Identity; in both cases, Holmes let “Pathetic-minded James” go free in a fit of disgusted outrage over the unwarranted trouble that he had heartlessly caused others. Also, the Captain’s name was spelled “Crocker”, even though it was indeed pronounced like the frog-sound in the BBC radio-version of this tale.

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