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Twitter’s #LiteraryTypos Hashtag is Hilarious

Twitter provides some pretty funny and clever literary quips and we’re proud to be a part of the Twitter literary community. Over the last couple of days, the #LiteraryTypos hashtag has been trending to hilarious effect, showing some real imagination and creativity.

These games are so much fun to get involved in, but they’re also a great way to find new followers and seek out all the best literary members of the Twitterati. Here are a few of our favourites from the #LiteraryTypos hashtag, why not head over there and get involved yourself?

Some people even got a little political about the entire thing.

While others used hilarious visual aids


Barnes & Noble stepped in to remind us that #LiteraryTypos aren’t really a joke in the funniest way.

The typos continue over on Twitter right now, check out the latest ones here or tell us your own in the comments!

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