Hermione Granger, powerful witch and great friend, was key in the defeat of Voldemort. Without Hermione what would’ve happened to Harry and Ron? They’d have almost certainly been killed, or worse- expelled!
The Harry Potter Alliance have been investigating gender inequality in education and what impact women make in the world when they’re given the same opportunities as men. Using the hashtag #WithoutHermione, the campaign hopes to highlight the importance of encouraging women and girls in education- what would have been the fate of Hogwarts without Ginny, Cho, Tonks, and McGonagall? Spoiler alert: everyone would’ve died.
“At the Harry Potter Alliance, we know the difference that talented witches make to the world. Afterall, 85% of our Chapter Organizers in 35 countries around the world are women. That’s why we’ve partnered with She’s the First, an organization dedicated to getting girls to graduation, to make sure that every girl has the chance to go to Hogwarts.”
#WithoutHermione, Quirrell would have jinxed Harry right off his broom. https://t.co/xbhXLfPvmg
— fall-ing apart (@babyskypewindow) 2 September 2017

Just imagine the disaster and horror that would await Harry and Ron if Hermione wasn't on that train! #WithoutHermione pic.twitter.com/vyuRSGjxVZ
— Susannah Choate (@osusannah_) 1 September 2017
gender inequality in edu is a major global issue: as @TheHPAlliance says, #WithoutHermione Voldemort wins & everyone dies. lets take action! pic.twitter.com/cse9Tqg6V9
— Ariel Beccia (@arielbeccia) 2 September 2017
The letter was created by The Harry Potter Alliance for She’s The First– who are focussed on helping girls and women overcome the barriers to education they face in their every day lives.
“Girls are more likely than boys to remain completely excluded from education despite the efforts and progress made over the past two decades.”
She’s The First funds scholarships and mentorships for girls in developing countries, and provide basic amenities like medicine, school uniform, and healthy food- simple things we take for granted that make all the difference to the success of women, and in turn the success of communities.

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