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Your 7 Favourite Reading Spots

I love to read in the bath, it’s total luxury to be laid out in the bubbles, hot water up to my neck and a book in my hand! With this in mind, I got to wondering where your favourite places to read are, so I asked over in our Facebook group and got some quite interesting replies.

One of our hot topics on social media is the inability to put down a book and go to sleep, so maybe your favourite place to read should come as no surprise. From your replies, here are your 7 favourite places to read.

In bed

Maybe it should come as no surprise that for most of you (50 votes) went to reading in bed. While the world is split between those who drop their books on their faces and those who can’t put the book down, reading is known to benefit the wind down process at night and help routine, so keep doing that!

On the couch

27 of you are giving the phrase couch potato a new twist as your favourite place to read is relaxed on the sofa, or couch. Mug of hot cocoa and a blanket? Could be heaven!

Anywhere and everywhere

Many of you aren’t fussy, a favourite book and anywhere will do for 21 of you! They say a book can take you anywhere, well many of you certainly seem to believe it!

A favourite chair

There’s always that one chair that is just perfect for curling up in with a book! And 15 of you have a reading chair you call your own, and your own favourite place to read.

On the beach

I’m in the UK and I can’t say we have beach weather all year but for six of you the beach is your favourite place to read.

During your daily commute

When I used to catch a bus to work I read every day and I’m only surprised that more of you didn’t choose this as your favourite place to read, but it did receive 5 votes.

In the bath

And my own favourite place to read is shared by some of you too with 5 of you voting the bath as your favourite place to read. I love it so much my daughters bought me a bath caddy designed for purpose last Christmas, it’s brilliant!

So there they are, your favourite places to relax and read a book. I think the general consensus is that anywhere will do but we all have a favourite place to relax with a book.

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