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10 Kingly Quotes from Joe Hill

By June 4, 2016June 4th, 2018Authors

When a child follows in a parent’s footsteps they are inevitably compared and often unfavourably. Fortunately this hasn’t been the case with Joe Hill; he is definitely an author who has achieved success on his own merits which he obtained through using an abbreviated form of his middle name Hillstrom rather than that of his famous parents Tabitha and Stephen King. His identity was leaked by Variety in 2006 and he confirmed this in 2007, confirming many people’s suspicions that he was of Royal literary heritage.

Born on June 4th 1972 Joe Hill has published 4 novels and a short story collection to date and is also the author of a graphic novel serial titled Locke & Key. His writing is extremely well received and he has taken up the reins of successful Horror author with aplomb, here we have some quotes from his novels to give you an insight into what to expect when you open up a book written by Joe Hill.

“The best way to get even with anyone is to put them in the rearview mirror on your way to something better.”

“Taking a thing apart is always faster than putting something together. This is true of everything except marriage.”

“Was there any human urge more pitiful-or more intense- than wanting another chance at something?”

“Fantasy was always only a reality waiting to be switched on.”

“Don’t ever have children, (Tyler,) unless you’re ready to be afraid everyday for the rest of your life.”

“I want you to remember what was good in me, not what was most awful. The people you love should be allowed to keep their worst to themselves.”

“No one looks too closely at a librarian. People are afraid of going blind from the glare of ssss-ssso much compressed wisdom.”

“I don’t know, maybe you’d be more interested in me if I were a book.”

“But God fears women even more that He fears the devil- and is right to. She, with her power to bring life into the world, was truly made in the image of the Creator, not man.”

“…if God hates sin and Satan punishes the sinners, aren’t they working the same side of the street?”

There you have it, 10 Joe Hill quotes that I hope let you see why he has become the latest author whose novels I purchase without even looking at the blurb.

Joe Hill Bibliography US
Joe Hill Bibliography UK

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