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More than 100 Years of Beverly Cleary in Quotes

By April 12, 2016April 11th, 2020Authors, Quotations

Originally written to celebrate 100 years of Beverly Cleary in 2016, we here at For Reading Addicts have gathered together some of our favourite quotes by the now centenarian children’s and YA author.
Born on April 11th 1916 in Oregon Beverly was an only child who in her own words, ‘struggled with reading’. Fortunately for her, a school librarian took it upon her self to help Beverly and within two years she had not only caught up but would spend every spare moment in the library devouring books and within four years a teacher suggested that Beverly should become a children’s writer based on essays she’d written for class assignments.

“If you don’t see the book you want on the shelves, write it.”

“If she can’t spell, why is she a librarian? Librarians should know how to spell.”

“Quite often somebody will say, ‘What year do your books take place?’ and the only answer I can give is, in childhood.”

“I had a very wise mother. She always kept books that were my grade level in our house.”

“All knowledge is valuable to a librarian.”

“And now I’m going to find out how to get a library started.”

Never mind Beverly, we here in the UK forgive you your view that we are all sissies.  I am amazed at her sharpness, Beverly is definitely a lady who still has all of her marbles.

Buy The World of Beverly Cleary Collection US
Buy The World of Beverly Cleary Collection UK

From a child who was a late and reluctant  reader, to a centenarian with over 7 million booksales. That’s not a bad transformation is it.

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