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12 Illuminating Quotes from Dan Brown

By June 22, 2016June 21st, 2018Authors, Quotations

Thriller Fiction author Dan Brown was born in Exeter New Hampshire on June 22nd 1964; the eldest child of a mathematician father and a musician mother he grew up in a household where secrets, codes, puzzles, and ciphers played a large part in everyday life. His parents were active in their Church and Brown himself was an Episcopalian before drifting away from Christianity for a short while in his early adulthood.

Dan says that he was inspired to write Thriller Fiction after reading a Sidney Sheldon novel, The Domesday Conspiracy and immediately began work up his first novel The Digital Fortress while also co authoring a book with his wife Blythe under the pseudonym Danielle Brown called 187 Men to Avoid: A Survival Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman. Quitting teaching in 1996 in order to become a full time author he has published 8 books to date and to give you an idea of what they are like here we have selected 10 illuminating quotes from Dan Brown for you to enjoy.

“Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.”

“Science and religion are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand.”

“Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.”

“Google’ is not a synonym for ‘research’.”

“To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books.”

“Nothing is more creative… nor destructive… than a brilliant mind with a purpose.”

“Small minds have always lashed out at what they don’t understand.”

“Wide acceptance of an idea is not proof of its validity.”

“The media is the right arm of anarchy.”


“Imagine how different a world might be if more leaders took time to ponder the finality of death before racing off to war.”

“Time is a river, and books are boats.”


“Stand tall, smile bright, and let them wonder what secrets making you laugh!”

Well Dan Brown, I think those quotes are proof positive that a childhood filled with puzzles and challenges is a childhood well spent.
If the above quotes have piqued your interest and let me tell you, I love Dan Brown as an author, why not take a look through his bibliography and maybe treat yourself.

Dan Brown US
Dan Brown UK

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