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20 reasons why we do not deserve the SparkNotes Twitter account

SparkNotes Twitter feed is a must-follow for any Reading Addicts. Their insightful humour and literary know-how is second-to-none, and whoever runs their social media, particularly Twitter, deserves some recognition.

SparkNotes began in 1999 as online study guide project ‘Spark’, created by Harvard students, Sam Yagan, Max Krohn, Chris Coyne, and Eli Bolotin. In 2001, Barnes & Noble bought SparkNotes and sold study guides in print form.

The study guides first covered literature, poetry, history, film, and philosophy, and later expanded to various other academic subjects including biology, chemistry, physics, economics, maths, and sociology.

Whoever runs their social media should be very proud of the memes they create every day. Some of them may even spark your interest in a new novel- I know I will be picking up The Lady or The Tiger soon!

See what SparkNotes has to offer!

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