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5 Hours of Edgar Allan Poe Stories Read by Vincent Price & Basil Rathbone

By October 9, 2019Literature, News, Video

Edgar Allan Poe wrote some spooky, moody, brooding stories and some accomplished spooky actors were brought in to make his audiobooks.

Record label Caedmon Audio specialises in spoken-word recordings, in particular getting famous actors to read great literary works.

James Mason was brought in to read Robert Browning poems, Oscar-winning actor Walter Brennan read Mark Twain and Sir Laurence Olivier recited works by Winston Churchill.

One absolutely perfect pairing was Basil Rathbone and Vincent Price who were asked to read the works of Edgar Allan Poe over the course of 5 hours. Rathbone, a South African-born Shakespearean actor, is most famous for playing Sherlock Holmes in movies and radio plays, as well as low-budget horror films like The Black Sheep.

Vincent Price is of course known for his iconic evil villains in many horror movies including some movie adaptations of the works of Edgar Allan Poe – The Raven and The Masque of the Red Death, among others.

The Caedmon recordings are now available on Spotify and are most of Poe’s greatest tales – from “The Tell-Tale Heart” to “The Pit and Pendulum.”

Thanks to the actors Rathbone and Price- they truly bring alive Poe’s gothic grace and spook.

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