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80 Years of Little Black Classics: Paperbacks for 80p

By May 26, 2015Literature

80 Books for 80p!

The Penguin paperback is iconic and when launched back in 1935, revolutionised the publishing industry. Allan Lane believed that people should be able to buy a book for the price of a packet of cigarettes and Penguin was born. Within the first 12 months of trading the company had sold three million paperbacks!

Now we all get to enjoy books at a relatively inexpensive price, but it’s easy to forget that once it was very expensive to own books. This year, Penguin celebrates by taking the brand back to its roots and offering 80 Little Black Classics for 80p each!

If you ever wanted to build up your Penguin paperback collection now really would be a great time to do it. The whole collection comes in at just £64! I’m not sure how long this offer will be available from Penguin, and right now the offer is only available in the UK but it is coming to the US on (we think) 30th June and they’ll be around $2 each. The books are already available for pre-order on Amazon US and all the classics are also available at all decent bookshops of course.

We went to the Penguin Little Black page for the offer (all links are below), and it’s great as you can spin the penguin and he lands on a different book each time. However, if you are going to purchase them online, it’s a lot easier to select them if you just use the searches we’ve saved for you below.

I just bought some narrow shelves for a feature in my hallway, so have just added eight novels off the list that I think I’ll read too (after all, as pretty as they are books aren’t for decoration).

Take a browse through the list, by 1935s standards, these are now 10 times cheaper than a packet of cigarettes!

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