LGBT advocates have banned a children’s book from Amazon!
Censorship is a topic we do not shy away from here at For Reading Addicts, and everyone in our community has an opinion on it. It has been quite a black and white issue for most readers- either they want all books to be published and none to be banned- or they feel it is fine to ban some topics (depending on their own political/moral leanings).
Either way it causes some discussion among book clubs and literary groups alike.
One such group is Family Rhetoric on Facebook, run by Amber Leventry- an LGBTQ advocate- who was disturbed by a title while looking for children’s books on Amazon. Amber discovered a children’s book that horrified her so much that it had to be shared with her followers on Facebook, and drove them to report the title en-masse in hopes of banning it from the major book distributer.
The blurb for the book said: “NO DRESS FOR TIMMY is an exciting story of a Christian boy who stands up for what he knows to be true – George will always be a boy. It is a modern story that confronts the challenges faced by children at a time when transgender ideas are taught to the most vulnerable children in elementary schools.”
Amber and the group were worried that the book’s message would harm children who are LGBTQ. They decided to report the book for inappropriate content and within a few hours the book was gone.
What are your thoughts, Reading Addicts? Would you have reported the book, or allowed it to be for the sake of ‘free speech’?
When is a book’s content too hateful to publish? Or should all views, no matter how we feel about them, be available to read?

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Hi…I would have to say this sort of behavior is not brave or positive…It’s very Orwellian. A difference of opinion does not qualify as “hate”. Free speech is free speech. This person is using immoral tactics to perpetuate her own subjective sense of morality under the vale of victim-hood and silencing opinions she doesn’t like because it contradicts / invalidates her worldview which just so happens to be on the far left. Censoring opinions or worldviews simply because they may offend one’s sensibilities is the first step to authoritarianism. The idea that you must accept and celebrate LGBTQ worldviews and that you must deny reality in order to be “tolerant” is the most dangerous type of groupthink.