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Aussie children’s book will promote body positivity

By September 10, 2018Children's Literature, News

Body positivity is the next big issue for children’s literature.

Australian social work student, Jessica Sanders, decided to write a book for children after becoming sick of the unattainable goals people have forced upon them. As a woman Jess had increasingly noticed the pressures she and other girls faced in their day-to-day lives, in regards to their bodies. She also noticed a distinct gap in the market for children’s books that deal with the issue of body positivity and acceptance.

Jess, 24, is from Melbourne, Australia, and is on her way to completing her Masters degree in Social Work. In a video for Kickstarter, Jess tells a story familiar to most women and girls of being surrounded by images of the ‘ideal’ body type- slim, smooth, petite, pretty, etc- and when one does not fit into that mould it can feel as if something is wrong with you.

Jess’s idea starts with a book aimed at young girls, teaching them that their bodies are far more than pretty casing for their personalities. It puts the idea forward that no matter what shape or size you are, you are worthy of love from yourself and others.

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