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Author outraged by sexism and gender bias in child’s school

By February 17, 2020Children's Literature, News

Gender bias is alive and well despite recent calls to address sexism in the classroom.

Dr Pragya Agarwal, author of  Sway: Unravelling Unconscious Bias, sent her daughter to nursery with her favourite book only to be told the book wasn’t suitable.

The three-year-old girl’s favourite book about Frida Kahlo from the Little People: Big Dreams range. The child was excited to share one of her favourite books about a legendary artist, but was told she couldn’t by the nursery workers.

According to the nursery a book about an artist is not an appropriate read for circle time because it wouldn’t interest the boys in the class. Not only does this gender bias show that misogyny is alive and well, but it is operating in our nurseries, influencing kids as soon as they enter education. This is not only upsetting for the girls to know they, and their interests, are considered worth less than boys, but it also dismisses boys’ interests in anything considered ‘feminine’ as wrong.

When Dr Pragya Agarwal posted her outrage on Twitter, people had opinions to share!

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