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Axe Used in Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shining’ Sells for £170,000

By October 8, 2019Adaptations, News

Written by famed horror author Stephen King, The Shining is one of the most iconic horror novels of all time, so it’s only fitting that the film adaptation by Stanley Kubrick has also become one of the most well-regarded films of all time. One scene in the film, which has since become an iconic moment in cinema, features Jack Nicholson’s character breaking down a door with an axe with the intent of murdering his wife and child. The axe that the actor wielded is now a prized artifact of cinema history, and as such, has just been auctioned for a cool £170,000.

As The Independent reports, the axe sold for four times the estimation during the Entertainment Memorabilia Live Auction, which took place at the BFI Imax in Waterloo. Called simple ‘Fire Axe’ the tool is three feet long, features a wooden handle, and sports a large foot-long blade an inch thick. Were it not for its iconic role in a classic movie, it would be pretty unremarkable. The axe is described as being in good condition, apart from a few marks after days of filming the door scene.

The axe was one of many film props being auctioned from 30 September to 1 October. Other notable items included a Stormtrooper helmet from Stars Wars: A New Hope, the fedora Harrison Ford wore in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, as well as Michael Keaton’s Batman suit.

The winning bidder of the axe has not been announced but no doubt someone out there is feeling like Christmas came early.


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