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BBC Books Announces ‘Doctor Who: The Women Who Lived’, a Celebration of All the Great Women Featured in the Hit Show

Whovians across the world are eagerly anticipating the upcoming season of Doctor Who and, given that for the first time in over 50 years, the Doctor has regenerated into a woman, it’s not hard to see why fans are excited. Actress Jodie Whittaker will now portray the time travelling Time Lady and we’re eager to see what sort of adventures await.

While the Doctor himself may have always been male, that’s not to say that the show hasn’t featured plenty of great female characters over the decades. The Doctor usually travels with a female partner who’ve often saved the day when he’s in over his head. To celebrate these strong female characters, BBC Books is publishing a new Doctor Who book called Doctor Who: The Women Who Lived: Amazing Tales for Future Time Lords. The book is described as a “beautifully illustrated collection of stories about the remarkable women” featured on the show.

The Women Who Lived is the first official book to accompany the new series and will take readers on a journey through space and time as they explore the inspiring tales of the heroines who’ve played important roles in the Doctor’s life. The book is being published in collaboration with Penguin Random House and is set to be released on September 27 for £16.99. The book will feature over 75 stories about women from the Whoniverse, both historical and fictional. Companions such as Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, and Martha Jones are all included, as well as real life figures the Doctor has encountered such as Queen Victoria and Agatha Christie.

A BBC spokesperson said: “Whether they’re facing down Daleks or thwarting a Nestene invasion, these women don’t hang around waiting to be rescued – they roll their sleeves up and get stuck in. Scientists and soldiers, queens and canteen workers, women from outlandish science-fiction and those steeped in real history, they don’t let anything hold them back.”

The book will be illustrated throughout with specially-commissioned artwork from female artists such as Gwen Burns, Valentina Mozzo, Sonia Leong, and others. The book will also feature information about the new companion, Yasmin, and an entry about the new 13th Doctor. The book has been written by Christel Dee and Simon Guerrier.

Dee said of the book: “With Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor arriving this autumn, we thought this would be the perfect time to reflect upon the wealth of incredible female characters from Doctor Who’s 55 year history – because there are so many! We hope the stories in this book will inspire a whole new generation of fans and existing fans too.”

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