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Benedict Cumberbatch Reads Keats – Ode to a Nightingale

By January 28, 2017February 23rd, 2018Poetry, Video

Drown in Benedict Cumberbatch’s melted chocolate voice as he reads Keats beautiful poem Ode to a Nightingale. 

In this photo montage created by YouTube user Stephanie Taylor we get to see the delectable Benedict in all his glory as he recites a poem that was inspired by a nightingale that had nested near the house at Wentworth Place that Keats aand his friend Charles Armitage Brown shared in the spring of 1819. Apparently he was so overcome by the bird’s beautiful song that he composed the poem in a single day.


  • Marc-Andre says:

    How beautiful the language sounds, with all its imagery and figures of speech! A beautiful language reduced to 150-character tweets, empty status updates, and rumbuctious, grandstanding politicians these days….

  • Esra says:

    Do I wake or sleep?

    I went to sleep with this poem, so peaceful…

  • Krystyna says:

    I climbed up into my meditation chair and left this plane for a few glorious minutes.
    Thank you??

  • Gabe says:

    Not only is his interpretation wonderful to listen to, the background music, “The Adagietto” from Mahler 5, is a perfect song choice to be played alongside it. This was excellent!

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