When you open the pages of a book for the very first time what do you do? Do you read everything that is available to you or are you a skipper? Do you ever read the dedications? I do, especially as now I have the honour of being mentioned in a dedication and also as we at For Reading Addicts appear on the back cover blurb for another.
Ever since I began reading these little gems from the many authors whose books I’ve read I’ve been pleasantly surprised by just how much many of our favourite authors share with us in those final few pages before the back cover is closed and some of them are outright hysterical. Take a look at these book dedications and then make sure you keep an eye out for any humorous ones you come across in your day to day reading.
House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
Short, sweet, and to the point. Fair enough Mark, but I still read the book.
The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer
Always listen to your grandmother; she knows.
Moorchild by Eloise McGraw
How amazing to know that there is someone out there who knows just exactly how you feel.
The House of Hades by Rick Riordan
Embrace your inner Titan Rick.
The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell
You can see into my heart Jen.
Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
You’re right Neil, we love you too.
Let’s Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson
Come on Jenny, let’s not beat about the bush; say it like it is.
Let’s Pretend This Never Happened US
Let’s Pretend This Never Happened UK
Over Seventy by P. G. Wodehouse
Nothing better than proving someone wrong is there.
Austenland by Shannon Hale
You blew it Mr Darcy, you had your chance and you blew it.
I’ve often heard of mystery book buys where the book is wrapped in brown paper and you purchase it purely on the basis of how the first line of the book sounds, I wonder if anyone has ever bought a book just because the dedication caught their eye?
Jurgis Bielinis and the Day of the Book Smugglers
Graham Norton to Launch Book Club Podcast with Audible
Artist draws Harry Potter scenes missing from the movies