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4-Year-Old Reads 1,000 Books Heads to Library of Congress

By January 15, 2017Children's Literature, News, Video

I tell you, it’s great to bring you a story with the word Congress in it that isn’t a negative one! Today we heard about Daliyah Marie Arana who at 4-years-old has read 1,000 books earning her an invitation to be the librarian for the day at the Library of Congress!

Daliyah’s mum read to her even before she was born, spending 20 minutes a day reading to her bump, mum continued this after she was born and before her third birthday, Daliyah was reading on her own.

Since then the clever little girl has racked up 1,000 books!

At 1,000 books, Daliyah was invited to be librarian for the day at the Library of Congress and we have to say she makes the cutest librarian we’ve ever seen! Not only that but the initiative went so well that the Library of Congress has decided to make this a regular thing, giving other young readers the chance to be librarian for the day.

Here’s Daliyah’s story in full, she should be very proud. Could we be looking at a future POTUS? Readers are leaders!

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