With Christmas fast approaching and (hopefully) plenty of new books heading our way, this edition of Bookish Buys focuses on book storage and book display.
We’ve a few quirky options here for you and hopefully you’ll have plenty of new reading material to fill them to overflowing before too long.

No floor space available? Try this gorgeous Table Top Book Browser.
Or perhaps an Invisible Floating Book Shelf?
Umbra Invisible Floating Book Shelf US
Umbra Invisible Floating Book Shelf UK

One for the younger readers next, a lovely Sling Bookshelf in bright primary colours.
I know it’s not really book storage, but you could use it to rest your book for those irritating moments when you have to do chores.

There’s plenty of room for your new books on this Reader’s End Table.
And finally, for those of us whose family and friends didn’t take the hint. A bookend to hold our books in place until someone takes pity on us and buys us something lovely.

Jurgis Bielinis and the Day of the Book Smugglers

Graham Norton to Launch Book Club Podcast with Audible

Artist draws Harry Potter scenes missing from the movies