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Care About Independent Bookshops? Consider Supporting October Books!

By May 4, 2018Bookshops, News

Online shopping may be very convenient, but the rise in digital stores has meant that even large chains are struggling to keep their brick and mortar stores open. While many shops have had to sell up, others have managed to thrive thanks to the support of their local community. If you’re loathe to see another book store close, one that’s independent no less, then we urge you to consider supporting a crowdfunding effort put together by October Books, a small, independent, not-for-profit co-operative shop in the UK that needs YOUR help!

October Books is currently aiming to buy an old bank which will provide the required room for the store’s merchandise and community space. Not only will the purchase of the bank allow the store to expand, it will also help secure its future by establishing a permanent base that doesn’t require payment to a landlord. The upgrade will also allow October Books to better connect with the local community and the floor space is large enough to be used as a community hub for events, meetings, therapy space and more.

October Books needs to raise a total of £51k in order to purchase the bank and fit it with new furnishings. The money needs to be raised by midnight on May 31 and be in October Book’s bank account by June 30. The store is raising money in three different ways:

  • By getting a loan from a specialist co-operative lender of £150k
  • By offering repayable loanstock for sale to the value of £340k
  • By asking supporters for non-repayable donations to the value of £20k

The loanstock target is halfway to its goal and allows you to invest a sum of your choosing for a duration of 1, 5, or 10 years. When the stock matures, you’ll get your money back with optional 1.5% interest. More information can be found HERE.

Those who want to make a donation to the Crowdfunder site can do so by giving a donation via bank transfer or through paypal. Locals can also visit the shop to donate cash or cheques. As progress is made the store’s crowdfunding site will keep those who donated up to date with pictures and stories. You can also help in other ways by sharing the crowdfunding page with your friends and by volunteering with October Books. Those wishing to contact the store can do so at [email protected]. We wish them all the best and hope they achieve their goal!

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