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Celebrate Halloween at Harry Potter Land This Year

By August 12, 2019Literary Events, News

We’re willing to bet that plenty of people who’s favourite holiday is Halloween are also fans of the Harry Potter books, particularly the ones which feature giant snakes, spiders, and spooky forests. If you love Halloween and Harry Potter then why not combine the two this year by spending All Hallow’s Eve at Warner Bros. Harry Potter Studio Tour in London?

The special event was first held last year and, following its success, it will be hosted again in 2019. Guests begin the evening by enjoying cocktails and canapes, before heading into Hogwart’s Great Hall to feast on Halloween goodies such as red apples, pumpkin treats, and cauldrons full of lollipops, all while 100 floating pumpkins bob up and down above you.

From there, guests will then get to take the studio tour after it has closed to the general public, meaning you’ll be free from crowds. You’ll also get to explore iconic sets from the movies such as the Forbidden Forest, the Gryffindor common room and Diagon Alley. You’ll also get some behind-the-scenes secrets from the Props Department which worked on the films.

Spiders then guide guests into the Forbidden Forest where they will encounter magical beats such as Buckbeak the Hippogriff and Aragog the Acromantula. The tour concludes in Diagon Alley where you’ll see Death Eaters prowling the streets in authentic costumes from the films. As if that’s not exciting enough, there will be plenty of Butterbeer served on the way.

If this sounds like a perfect way to spend the spookiest time of the year then book yours today. The Hogwarts After Dark tours will be taking place in the Watford Studio Tour on October 25, 26 and 27, running from 7:30pm until late, and is open to those aged 18+. You’d better hurry as only 260 tickets available for each evening event. Tickets cost £240 per person and they are available to purchase HERE.

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