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Check out the Museum of Tiny Books

By September 7, 2018Literary Places

As much as we love physical books, we would agree that they can take up a lot of space. One of the perks of E-readers is that they allow you to store hundreds of books in one light weight device. What if we were able to keep physical books, but have them take up far less space? What if we just shrunk them down to the point where you need a microscope to read them? That would certainly create a lot more shelf space.

As the BBC reports, Azerbaijan is host to the Baku Museum of Miniature Books, the only museum in the world which displays nothing but teeny-tiny books. There are more than 6,000 itty-bitty books on show, and they even earned a place in the 2014 Guinness Book of World Records. The collection features plenty of classic titles, and even a copy of the Qur’an and a book of song lyrics by The Beatles.

They’re not just the covers, ether. The books feature all their larger counterparts original text, and are completely readable to those with either incredible eyesight or a microscope. The collection began in 2002 by a private collector named Zarifa Salahova. She began collecting miniature books over 30 years ago in order to excite young people and encourage them to read.

The museum recently went viral after it was featured on the Twitter account of one of the QI Elves.

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