If you are a lover of Gothic Horror then I am sure that the thought of owning and living in Count Dracula’s castle will fill you with unmitigated joy.
Sadly as Prince Vlad Dracul’s residence is now in ruins and certainly not fit to live in, that is an impossibility; so how would you feel about living in the place that inspired the literary legend that is Bram Stoker’s Dracula?

This is Bran Castle, an imposing 12th century pile built deep in Romania and allegedly the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I’m sure you’ll agree that it is certainly imposing enough to plant the seed of such an amazing story into the mind of one of the original Gothic authors.
If you fancy your Amazon deliveries being addressed to Transylvania however you’ll have to find a seriously wallet frightening $66 million to make this amazing building yours, although The Financial Times has a far more conservative estimate of only $13 million.

Unfortunately even if you are lucky enough to purchase this wonderful piece of architecture you will also have to put up with a load of tourists traipsing through your kitchen everyday as the Castle has been used as a museum by its current owners who also happen to be descendants of the Romanian Royal family and they want the museum to remain open as part of the sale agreement.
I don’t think I fancy 1/2 a million people wandering through my home but I am sure that a few contrived disappearances coupled with a sudden rise in the local bat population would sort that out.

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This is the nth time I’ve read about the Bran Castle being Vlad the Impaler’s residence. This is not true. It pains me to see a site I’ve been following for a while post such pompous sounding nonsense that misinforms thousands of people. A simple Wikipedia search would have given you the correct facts.
I think you need to read it again, properly. It doesn’t say anywhere in the piece that this is Vlad’s the Impaler’s residence, nowhere at all.