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This Harry Potter Boudoir Shoot is Hotter than Flagrante

By October 19, 2016February 12th, 2018Your Photos

Every time I think I’m the biggest Harry Potter fan someone shows me an even bigger dedication to the fandom, and this time it’s photographer Sarah Hester who upon meeting a model who looked like Harry Potter, propositioned him to do a Harry Potter Boudoir Shoot.

This shoot is hot stuff, and if you’re bothered by nudity you should turn away now. For the rest of you, I’ll stop talking and let you enjoy all the pictures.

Photographs by Sarah Hester, corny captions by me.

I think he must play Quidditch, I know a keeper when I see one!

I wouldn’t mind wand-ering my hands over that!

Accio Hottie!

Do you think he’d let me be his chosen one?

He survived Avada Kadavra, he’s drop dead gorgeous!

I think we may need to find a room of requirement.

A smile like Expelliarmus, simple but disarming.

I think I may need to learn occlumency because I can’t get him out of my thoughts.

He might not be Luna but he sure looks like he can lovegood!

Doesn’t it just make you want to Slytherin?

I’m completely unapologetic about all the corny captions, and I hope you loved that as much as I did.

How long will we love the Harry Potter fandom?

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