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J.K. Rowling Can’t Stop Laughing After Donald Trump Publishes a Grammatically Incorrect Tweet Boasting About His Writing Skills

By July 4, 2018Language, News, Political

It seems famed Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling can’t stop laughing after President Donald Trump published a Tweet criticising the press for “pouring over” his Tweets in an effort to find any spelling or grammar mistakes. Trump pointed out that he has written “many best selling books” and that he only capitalizes certain words for emphasis, not because they should be capitalized. Unfortunately for Trump, the Tweet in which he praised his writing skills included a typo. Can you spot it?

As The Huffington Post reports, the President incorrectly used the word ‘pour,’ when he should have used ‘pore.’ The word pour is used to describe something flowing rapidly, such as a jug of water, whereas pore means to study something closely, which is what Trump meant when he used pour. It can also be used to describe a minute opening in an animal or plant.

Many Twitter users were quick to point out the POTUS’ mistake, including a number of high profile figures. It seems the Tweet particularly amused Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling as she replied to his Tweet with the following:

It’s true that Trump has published a number of books, though almost all of them were written by ghost writers. Trump’s ghost writer for his most famous book The Art of the Deal told the New Yorker that he wrote the whole thing. Howard Kaminsky, the former head of Random House, who published Trump’s book said, “Trump didn’t write a postcard for us!”

Several other notable Twitter uses chimed in to correct Trump’s mistake.

Merriam-Webster then explained the difference.

President Trump then deleted the incorrect Tweet and replaced it with the correct use of pore.


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