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Ladybird to Launch ELT (English Language Teaching) Range

Publishers Penguin Random House are set to launch a new Ladybird range of ELT (English Language Teaching) books aimed at children aged between five and nine and who are learning English either as a foreign or a second language.
With reading and work books covering both fiction and non fiction topics and a total of 28 titles in the collection these books promise to open up a whole new world of literature to tens of thousands of children for whom English is not their native tongue.

The launch list will cover four levels of reading and language ability testing core skills reading, writing, speaking and listening, as well as spelling and singing, and will be joined by an starter level plus additional titles for all of the other four levels, flashcards are also set to be added to the collection in January of 2017.

The publisher for Ladybird Education and International Kate Heald said: “We are delighted to launch Ladybird Readers, a beautifully illustrated and cleverly designed reading series. This is the first ELT range from Ladybird, and the first time that Ladybird products have been created with English language learners and teachers at the centre of the series development. It’s an exciting moment as we reach out to children learning English around the world, with an accessible range of resources that brings together an ELT programme and the best of Ladybird content.”

The books are available now from your local PRH distributor and come with online support and full-colour activity books which include listening activities, songs, reading, writing, speaking, critical thinking and practice activities. Syllabus wise the series has been aligned to compliment the Common European Framework (CEFR)which takes children from Pre-A1 in Level 1 through to A2 I Level 4. Also used to help develop this series were the The Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) exams requirements.

What a wonderful way to introduce youngsters to the English Language.

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