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Larry David to Narrate New Book from ‘Go the F*ck to Sleep’ Author

By September 12, 2019New Releases

A few years ago, the humorous book Go the Fuck to Sleep by Adam Mansbach went viral after an audiobook version was recorded with none other than Hollywood actor Samual L. Jackson narrating the story. The book was warmly received as a tribute to the pains of parenthood and it was followed up by You Have to Fucking Eat, which chronicled the trials of attempting to get a young child to eat their food. If you enjoyed those two books, then you’ll be glad to hear a third book is on its way, called Fuck, Now There Are Two of You, and it’s going to be narrated by Larry David.

As Yahoo reports, Fuck, Now There Are Two of You is described as “a loving monologue about the new addition to the family.” Those of you who thought Jackson was perfect as the narrator of the first book will no doubt agree that Larry David, the mind behind Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld, is a great choice for this one.

“As the second-born child, I’m sure my parents experienced feelings similar to those of the narrator in this book,” David said in a statement. “Is it any wonder I’m so fucked up?”

Fuck, Now There Are Two of You is set to be published later this year on October 1.

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