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Library Reads Out of Print Book to 102-Year-Old Patron During Lockdown

By June 23, 2020Libraries, News

It seems the world doesn’t agree on much right now, but one thing I think we can all agree on is the fact that the global quarantine really has brought out the best (and the worst) in many people. We’ve heard some lovely stories in recent months about people going out of their way to help and assist others and it’s really heartwarming. Today, we bring you the news of the team at Ipswich Library who have been reading an out of print book to a 102-year-old patron.

As the tweet below shows, it all started when the lady called the library to request a book her father used to read to her, and ended with the library staff truly going the extra mile and reading and recording it for her.

This story really is beyond wholesome. Not only are Ipswich Library reading the book, but as the book was so old (from the 1920s) it was out of print, and definitely not available in eAudio.

Krystal goes on to tweet the name of the book, because obviously all reading addicts need to know this!

The story has gone viral, and rightly so! We think the staff at Ipswich Library rock, and this little story has made our day. Keep being brilliant, librarians!

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