Do you enjoy the police procedural genre? Do you like the cut and thrust, fast paced lifestyles of literary police detectives, the crime fighters that solve fictional cases and always save the day? What about gritty real life crime writing? Those memoirs from detectives who have had to deal with high profile cases and want to let you have a little glimpse of what things were like on the inside? You do? You’ll absolutely adore this novel The Life of a Scilly Sergeant by Sergeant Colin Taylor of the Scilly Isles Police Force.
Sergeant Taylor’s novel came about after he had amassed over 60,000 followers on social media where he would regularly share his derring-dos and the cases he cracked whilst keeping the Isles of Scilly crime free. From the case of The Runaway Goldfish to the drugs bust that turned out to consist of slightly less illegal but equally as offensive, gone off mozzarella cheese, Colin’s exploits are bound to keep you turning the pages of this glimpse into the life of an island cop.
Taylor’s autobiography is thought to be the first ever written by a serving police officer and details a life of “high tides and low crime”, which he has described as “like Heartbeat but less frenetic”.

In his six years policing the five populated islands that make up the Scilly Isles Colin has dealt with everything from rescuing stranded seal pups to mediating a fight between two chefs arguing over which is better sea, or rock salt? He’s chased criminals on a commandeered child’s bicycle and has once even had cause to use his Blues and Twos, but only to get groom to his wedding on time.
Of course, among the more humorous anecdotes there are the occasional more serious crimes and although he may appear to be the quintessentially bumbling Bobby at times, Sergeant Taylor has no problems in putting on his Policeman’s helmet and dealing with these in the correct manner bringing a halt to any shenanigans that may occur in his jurisdiction.

Colin’s policing of the Scilly Isles is due to come to a close very soon with his return to Essex but his memoirs of his life at an island cop will make sure that his exploits as the islands’ acting police officer will live on for a long time after he has departed.
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