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Making Manuscripts – An Ancient Art

By July 5, 2016Video

Modern day books are mass produced, made from recycled paper with cardboard covers and produced in their millions. We love them for their content more than their aesthetics, although a well stocked bookshelf will draw oohs and aahs of appreciation from most bibliophiles. Making manuscripts however was and is a true art and would have taken a lot of time and concentration by experts to complete.

This video is six minutes long and although the beginning may be a little difficult to watch as it includes the preparation of animal skins to make the vellum (Don’t worry there is nothing oogy, just the tanning and stretching process) the final product is amazing and just goes to show you why any early written records were extremely valuable and were only owned by the Church and the wealthy.
I’m off to practice my calligraphy, I just need to catch a pigeon.

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